

I have a wonderful old leather trunk that I packed up 10 years ago with all my favorite art supplies and tools.  The trunk fit perfectly in the back of my vehicle when the back seats were folded down and traveled with me from Georgia to Los Angeles to Northern California to Mount Rainier to Miami Beach and now lives next to my desk here in the Texas hill country.  Not long ago I was looking for a particular tool that I was sure I had with me...somewhere.  This led to a Spring cleaning flurry which took me inside the leather trunk.  I didn't come across that needed tool, but I did rediscover several boxes filled with fabulous antique and ethnic beads I've been clinging to tightly over the years.  Initially I considered selling the beads to jewelry makers.  As I inventoried I fell in love with the treasures all over again.  Soon my pile of "gotta keep these" beads overwhelmed those I was willing to sell, and I realized that effort was futile.  It occurred to me to make necklaces to sell, and this turned out to be the trick to letting the collection go on out into the world.  So...there you go, and here you are...these are one of a kind pieces, many of the beads used are no longer available or very difficult to find.  I am offering the necklaces as they are created, and it will take awhile before I use up all the incredible beads in my booty.  Please check back often to view the new offerings.  Thanks for your interest!